Longevity Science: “Snake Oil” or the New Primary Care

The familiar adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” doesn’t always apply and is something I have wholeheartedly come to believe is important to follow. In fact, the term “snake oil” originated in the early 19th century due to the rise in fraudulent salesmen promoting useless cures for illnesses and selling phony medicines.

Although it is true that healthy skepticism and some degree of cynicism can serve to protect people from various forms of harm, there is however, one area of current research, longevity science — the advancement of a longer and healthier life that defies skepticism even though it just sounds too good to be true.

Longevity science is an area of medical research that is focused on the epigenetic aging of plants and animals that holds the promise of advancing the health and life-spans of humans by slowing the progression of age-related diseases. Data, backed by scientific research from many reputable institutions including Harvard and Yale has shown moderate improvements in the the “true” or biological age of animals. However, it is also true that what happens with plants and animals does not always translate to humans. But there is no denying that the current studies hold out great promise for the future well-being of humankind.

The primary care type of healthy behaviors used as treatment in these studies found that the progression of diabetes, dementia, joint degeneration, and yes, even cancer can be slowed. Some of these behaviors include intermittent fasting and calorie restriction, short bursts of breathing heavily from exercise, meditation, and yes, taking some supplements like NAD+.

Imagine if you could live full healthy life feel great and be a productive member of society at age 100 or even 120? This I believe, will be possible. I do not advocate living a longer life in misery, spending years of suffering from various illnesses until the very end of life. I do , however, advocate for a call to action to enable people to live longer and to live as healthfully as possible. This is your healthspan.

I am willing to predict that this will be the primary care delivery model in the near future because longevity science is rapidly becoming mainstream. Put your skepticism aside and keep an open mind. You just may find yourself part of a new evolution in healthcare delivery that will allow you to live PEAK Health — living life fully at any age.


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